
I found these amazing uses for ground coffee on Real Advice Gal’s Blog and just had to share them with you.

1. Mix ½ cup of used coffee grounds with 2 tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil. Massage all over body while standing in the shower. Leave on for 10 minutes before showering. This mixture will exfoliate your skin and may also help to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

2. Pour used coffee grounds down the sink or bathtub drain, followed by 3 drops of dish soap and a pot of boiling water. This will clean and clear the drain of clogs and built up grease.


3. Mix a teaspoon of used coffee grounds into your facial mask. It will exfoliate the skin and the caffeine will smooth and tighten.

4. If you have a garden, used coffee grounds are great to use as compost.

5. Sprinkle used coffee grounds around plants to keep ants away.

6. Put used coffee grounds in a bowl in the freezer to remove funky odors.

7. After chopping fresh garlic, rub your hands with used coffee grounds to get the garlicky smell off your fingers.

8. When you give your dog a bath, add a tablespoon of used coffee grounds to the shampoo to help repel fleas.

9. Use used coffee grounds with dish soap to scrub a greasy pan.

10. Used coffee grounds with a teaspoon of vinegar and a cup of water can be used to dye eggs.

11. Add a teaspoon of used coffee grounds to your conditioner for extra soft and shiny hair.

12.If you make homemade soap, try adding used coffee grounds to your recipe. The caffeine has great skin benefits and the grounds exfoliate dry skin.

13. When choosing a perfume or scented candle, sniff used coffee grounds in between fragrances to keep everything from beginning to smell the same.

14. Run water and garbage disposal at the same time, add 1 teaspoon of used coffee grounds to the disposal to sharpen the blades.

15. Mix used coffee grounds with milk to make a paste. Apply to face and leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing to help treat acne.

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I am a mum and wife to a lovely caring family. I’ve suffered with chronic back pain for over 30 years and started writing my first blog in 2007 which covered back and chronic pain. Since then I have written many more blogs for myself and customers. I find it takes me away from my pain to another place. I love it so much I think it should be part of a recovery process after illness or surgery. I hope you enjoy reading through my blogs.


  1. I find this post very informative! I already knew about body peeling before, but the rest is new for me 🙂


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