Hobbies, they say are extremely good for your health.

I love my hobbies which apart from blogging include crafting (mainly cards) knitting, sewing, painting, cross-stitch and baking. I feel sure had I not had these to fall back on over the last twelve months I would have felt extremely low.

Some ideas for hobbies from home include –

  1. Art – My children bought me an adult paint by numbers art piece for Christmas. I absolutely love it and will feel very chuffed when it’s finished as it’s one I would have hung up in my home.
  2. Drawing – there are lots and lots of sites online and on Pinterest to learn how to drawer.
  3. Singing – with choirs popping up online all over the country it is easy to join one and enjoy a bit of singing.
  4. Writing – well I love writing and write on three blogs. My main blog is health related about back pain which I have suffered from for over 30 years, I also have an afternoon tea blog and this hygge blog. I find it takes me away to another place when I start writing. It’s very therapeutic.
  5. Scrapbooking– I looked into this and I think when I have finished all my other projects I will give this a go. There are lots of books on Amazon on how to get started with this which is something you can pass down to your family when you have finished it.
  6. Hand made cards – I have been making hand made cards for a number of years now and used to have them in a local post office but I just do them for family and friends now, but I have sent a fair few out to cheer my friends up over lockdown. I mean who doesn’t like receiving a nice card through the letter box?
  7. Knitting – another of my favourite pass time. I am a very average knitter but I can find lots of things to make including a granny blanket I made from all my bits of wool which I use outside to keep me warm.
  8. Cross stitch – this is a new hobby for me and another present from my children for Christmas which I asked for. It has become one of my favourite things to do at the moment.
  9. Baking – with a mass of lessons, recipes, and so much more on baking it’s a hobby for anyone who loves to cook. I love baking for my family and bake weekly for them. They get very excited when I say ‘Bars Bakes’ is doing a delivery today.
  10. Photography – with lots more of us taking long walks in the countryside its an ideal hobby. At this time of year and with spring around the corner there are some lovely photos to take outside using just your phone until you want something a bit more substantial to take the photos with and like most of the above there are endless amounts of free help online.
  11. Making candles, making soap, making jewellery – all these types of crafts can be done from you home and could even bring in some extra pennies if you go onto sell them. Pinterest will inspire anyone with pages and pages of posts and ideas on all these types of craft.
  12. Calligraphy – an art which is coming back into fashion again and a lovely hobby to start and learn from home and then maybe progress to a class once lock down is finished.
  13. Reading and reviewing – whatever you buy nowadays they ask for a review on it but the most rewarding review is one that someone has written about a book you would like to read. You can start by writing them on Amazon and if you enjoy it you could always start a blog on book reviews.
  14. Gardening – now the spring is nearly here you can start planting your own vegetables and herbs. Lots and lots of people enjoy gardening and is a great hobby for anyone who loves to be outside.

There are many more hobbies you can start from home, these are just the top 14 but if you haven’t got a hobby or want another one then try any of these as they will definitely improve your health and wellbeing.

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