
Made By Hand Online is the brainchild of two friends from Devon who have brought together a whole community of makers to promote the Craft industry, and sell high quality craft directly to the public – online.

They both share a deep interest and respect for the making community and felt frustrated by how hard it is to buy good quality handmade products – not because they don’t exist but because for some reason they’re not accessible to the public in the same way as the mass-produced. Their value is often misrepresented online and this makes it hard for customers to find what they want.


They say that ‘Madebyhandonline.com aims to make it easy to buy what you really want. Our collection represents a highly selective mix of the finest makers from UK and Ireland, with an enviable group of jewellers, ceramic artists, furniture makers, textile designers and fashion accessory makers as well as beautiful pieces made from glass, willow, metal and leather. We’re so pleased to be working with so many fabulous makers of contemporary craft and hope you will join us in supporting and promoting their incredible skills’

They sponsor some of the UK’s leading Craft and Design events, including The Contemporary Craft FestivalMADE London, MADE BrightonMade By Hand Wales and The Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair. I could spend ‘all’ day looking around this site and end up with so many things I want to buy. Truly, different and unique pieces and well worth a visit.



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