This morning I had a McMillan Coffee Morning with some friends (15 of us) and we were able to raise an amazing £240 for McMillan with our cakes and raffle.
My usual soggy orange cake was on offer with biscuits and tea or coffee.
Everyone arrived with their array of home made cakes and biscuits from carrot cake to cheese cake and muffins. We had a raffle and played the two ‘guess’ games that McMillan sent us and were all astounded when we added up our funds to find we had raised £240.00
I think it’s such an easy and fun way to raise money that once a year a day should be dedicated as ‘The World’s Biggest Fundraising Coffee Morning’ so that other charities could benefit and I think lots of money could be raised. If every business small or big held it as well, can you imagine how much money could be raised???
I will certainly do another one next year and hopefully raise even more money.
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