Of course with different strengths of chocolate this does mean there is a choice of pairings.
With dark chocolate, try Assam, Darjeeling, Earl Grey, Gyokuro, or Oolong.
With milk or white chocolate try Darjeeling, Dragonwell, or Oolong,
According to Linda Villano from SerendipiTea. “When approaching the Tea & Chocolate pairing, the possibilities are endless so first narrow down the number of teas you will be pairing within each category and identify them on paper. Keep things simple and well organized. Focus on specific groupings using your basic tea tasting rules, for example work with White Tea first, then move along the color spectrum from light to dark, ending with Pu-erh. Taste the tea independently of the chocolate carefully minding the general characteristics, aroma, flavor notes, and mouth-feel of each tea you plan to pair. Do the same with each of the chocolates independently of the tea. Take your time, munch on a bit of plain cracker between each tasting to clear your palate, and take copious notes. But most importantly, enjoy the process.”
Right I’m off for a cuppa and some chocolate
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