flowering tea

Tea originated in China about 5000 years ago and it was discovered in 2735BC by one of the emperors of China.

Shleng Nung, was considered as a divine healer who always boiled his water. By accident he boiled a few leaves from a wild tea plant which had fallen into his pot and gave off a delightful scent and flavour.

Tea was not adopted in the UK until the 17th Century after the opening of the sea routes between China and Europe.

For a long time tea was used as a herbal medicine.

One of the top Chinese Tea Shops is The Canton Tea Co. They have a number of Chinese teas to choose from and offer a tasting pack which ha six different teas to try, four of the best teas in each category.

Until the mid-18th Century, the tax on tea was so high that it encouraged a thriving black market.

No duty was pain on tea smuggled into Britain and tea was so popular that big money could be made illegally.

More tea was smuggled into Britain than was imported legally.

In 1785 after demands for legitimate tea merchants, the government slashed the duty on tea and tea smuggling was wiped out overnight.


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