1.Almost 80 percent of Britons are tea drinkers.
2. According to Tea and Coffee Development Board, 7593 farmers of Illam, Jhapa, Tehrathum, Dhankuta have been planting tea in 16, 420 hectares of land. In Ilam alone, around 4,500 farmers have been planting tea in around 4,000 hectares of land.
3. In terms of the delivery of antioxidants, two cups of tea are equivalent to five portions of vegetables or two apples, reports the journal Molecular Aspects of Medicine. One cup of tea provides 150-200 mg of flavonoids and the flavonoid content of black tea is equal to that of green tea.
4. Researchers at the University of Western Australia says the benefits of tea are largely due to the flavonoid content, antioxidant ingredients that counteract cardiovascular disease.
5. They say that 7% of people are so picky about how they drink their tea they wouldn’t let anyone else make it for them.
6. Adding tea to milk originated because early tea drinkers didn’t want to mess up their porcelain. Milk was put into the cups first to take some of the heat out of the tea so that the cups wouldn’t crack. Now, 93% of tea is taken with milk in the UK.
Source: Molecular Aspects of Medicine University of Western Australia
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