
They say that if you eat nuts on a regular basis that this may help to ward off depression. Apparently researchers have found that just 1oz (25g) of mixed nuts a day increases the levels of serotonin (the hormone that makes us feel happy) and also decreases the feeling of hunger, so its great for dieting as well.

Of course my favourite food for helping depression is dark chocolate which contains high levels of phenols, which boosts your mood.

They also say that strawberries can produce a feel good factor and bananas are good for making the hormone serotonin. And finally, pasta triggers the production of insulin which raises sertonin levels in the brain so all in all an easy list of natural feel good foods.


  1. I am a great believer and lover of natural foods, and always carry nuts with me so that if I need a snack….they are there, and they always do the trick.
    I usually have some dark chocolate every evening with herbal tea. It seems to complete my day in terms of food very well.xx

    • That’s excellent Janet, I could manage to just have the odd nuts but even with dark chocolate I don’t have enough will power to say two pieces and no more :))

  2. It is a no-brainer really, eating natural foods. Processed food are full of sugar and salts and contribute to obesity. Keep fresh fruits for your children to eat after school, better than a burger.

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