Tea paraphernalia is a big industry which attracts the younger generation as well as the old. The younger generation will try endless different flavours of tea, whereas the older generation seem to still like ‘English’ or ‘Earl Grey’.
Teapots which were not used for quite a few years are also now en vogue again, with quirky tea pots, and antique teapots making a real statement in your kitchen, as well as some fetching a lot of money at auction.
There is also an abundance of tea cosies, with vintage and retro lovers knitting their own to match designs we had in the 50’s and 60’s.
The quintessentially British ‘Afternoon Tea’, is now not just in the UK, but is also fashionable throughout the world with competition rife for the well known afternoon tea venues, like ‘Betty’s Tea Rooms’ in Harrogate or ‘The Ritz’ in London.
There is even ‘pop up’ tea rooms at fairs and exhibitions, literally ‘popping up’ everywhere.
I still prefer proper tea, but in the evenings I do sometimes have non-tea to avoid caffeine too soon before bed. I am quite fond of Lemon and Ginger, but it certainly isn’t tea!
Me to, and I have mixed fruit tea in the evening for the same reason.
Get away from teabags!
I still use them at home though