Farmhouse Breakfast Week 2014 will take place on Sunday 26th January to Saturday 1st February.
Farmhouse Breakfast Week is an annual celebration championing the importance of breakfast which aims to get the nation to Shake Up Their Wake Up! 47% of people regularly skip breakfast during the week so our aim is to encourage people to enjoy a healthy breakfast more regularly.
Managed by HGCA, the campaign started in 2000 and takes place every January with it growing year on year.
Farmhouse Breakfast Week is run on behalf of arable farmers who grow crops such as wheat, barley, oats and oilseed rape. The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness of the benefits of eating a healthy breakfast and demonstrate the wealth of wonderful breakfast produce available around the country. We want to encourage people to think about where their breakfast foods come from and support the cereal farmers who produce it.
All stages of the food chain, from farmers to food producers and retailers to consumers are encouraged to get involved and hold events to promote the importance of starting the day with breakfast.
Activities include tasting sessions, breakfast competitions, cookery demonstrations, special breakfast menus and school breakfast clubs to name just a few.
Find out more from their website Farmhouse Breakfast Week
I used to skip breakfast, but now its weetbix in winter and cornflakes in summer.
I’m a weetabix fan but I am afraid it has to be chocolate weetabix :):)
I’ll have the farmer in the picture for breakfast
Seriously I struggle to eat breakfast. I doubt this will make a difference to me but will try harder.
He he cheeky – now what about chocolate for breakfast llc – I have chocolate Weetabix and love it :))
Chocolate weetabix, Mmmm.