It’s a day dedicated to celebrating all things chocolate, from the rich history and cultural significance of the treat to the many health benefits and delicious flavours it has to offer. Whether you’re a die-hard chocolate fan or simply enjoy the occasional sweet treat, World Chocolate Day is the perfect opportunity to indulge in your favourite chocolatey delights and explore all these beloved food offers.

The origins of World Chocolate Day can be traced back to 1550 BC when the ancient Aztecs believed that the cacao tree was a gift from their god of wisdom, Quetzalcoatl. They revered cacao beans as a form of currency, and the chocolate drink they made from the beans was considered a luxury reserved for the elite. Fast forward to the 21st century, and chocolate has become a beloved treat enjoyed by people all over the world.

The two products most vital to chocolate production come from this cocoa liquor paste. Cocoa powder is produced and packed for purchase at grocery stores so that we can bake the beloved roasted taste profile into our cakes and cookies, while cocoa butter is produced so that manufacturers can use it as an ingredient in their chocolate bars.

Dark chocolate, which tastes most like its mother seed, is simply a mixture of cocoa liquor, cocoa butter, and sugar. Milk chocolate includes those three ingredients plus a smattering of milk powder. At this point, chocolatiers can add things like nuts, salts, and syrups to elevate the flavour profile. Once cooled, the mixtures harden into the shapes of their respective moulds, are wrapped in paper, and shipped to our favourite stores and candy shops.

On World Chocolate Day 2023, there are endless ways to celebrate. You can start by exploring the different types of chocolate, such as milk, dark, and white chocolate. Or you can indulge in some of the many health benefits of chocolate, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and improving cognitive function.

Looking for some inspiration for how to celebrate? Why not try making some homemade chocolate treats, like chocolate fudge or chocolate-covered strawberries? You could also visit your local chocolate shop and discover new and exciting chocolate creations.

Whether you’re a milk chocolate fan, a dark chocolate aficionado, or somewhere in between, there are plenty of ways to celebrate World Chocolate Day. In addition to indulging in your favorite chocolate treats, you can also learn more about the fascinating history of chocolate and the many health benefits it has to offer.

Fun facts about chocolate…

  • The Mesoamericans prized cacao so highly that it was used as currency.
  • It was touted in Europe as a healing tonic. We know today that the darker the chocolate, the better, as it’s full of antioxidants and helps the brain to release ‘feel-good’ chemicals (that make you happy!).
  • The cacao industry is now the most booming in West Africa. There are approximately 1.5 million cacao farms there!
  • The Mayans also loved their chocolate, naming it the ‘food of the Gods’. They worshipped ‘xocolatl’ (‘bitter water’), and it was an integral part of their religious and social lives. The Mayans can be credited for being the very first baristas, as they fermented the beans then dried, roasted and ground them into a paste, much like modern-day chocolatiers. They poured their mixture back and forth to get a foamy head, much like a latte.

Source: Twinkl, Any Day Guide, NewsD World Chocolate Day

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