Do you like tea or coffee or a bit of both? Well there will soon be a drink which is a combination of both after researchers claim they have discovered a tea made from coffee leaves which is healthier than both tea and coffee. It’s also supposed to have immediate relief from hunger and fatigue.
The coffee leat tea, which is said to have an ‘earth’ taste that is less bitter than tea and not as strong as coffee but which has high levels of compounds which lower the risk of diabetes and heart disease. It also carries far less caffeine than traditional tea or coffee and contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties (according to The Daily Mail).
I read about it yesterday, and I thought you would beat me to the post. It was a 19th century discovery that went to pot.
Beat you to it then hutt :))
Not sure I like the idea at all. I like tea at home with a latte when out and a milky coffee sometimes in the evenings or at the weekend but I don’t think I would want a mix of the two!
I guess I will just have to wait and taste it first 🙂