The question is are there any other foods or drink that have been reported to have as many health benefits as green tea?
The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times. It is made using the leaves of the Chinese Camellia sinensis plant. The leaves are then applied to heat quickly after picking which minimizes oxidation. This is thought to give the green tea it’s many benefits.
1. Researchers have suggested that it can help slash the risk of developing cancer by shrinking tumours.
2. It has been known to stabilise your cholesterol levels.
3. It has shown significant reductions in deaths of cardiovascular disease.
4. It can boost your immune system and aid weight loss.
5. It has been effective in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis.
6. It can reduce tooth decay.
7. A recent report has shown that it can also slow the onset of Alzheimers and Parkinsons Disease.
8. It can help fight infections and allergies to the body.
9. They also say it can slow the ageing.
10. The latest news on Green tea is that it can enhance the ability of our brains’ cognitive functions especially on the working memory, a Swiss scientists suggest.Researchers have recommended further study into how green tea can help with cognitive impairments such as dementia.
11. Green tea’s other benefits include reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. This research was conducted at the University Hospital of Basel Switzerland and led by Professors Christoph Beglinger and Stefan.
12. Drinking green tea ‘may’ reduce the risk of age related functional disabilities like osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
13. They say that for people who consume 1 – 2 cups of green tea per day have a ten percent lower risk of becoming disabled.
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